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Nalve 장학생의 봉사활동
필리핀관리자 | 작성일 : 2014.08.30 18:17 | 조회수 : 4,917  





Nalve 장학생은 CNU 에서 교육학을 전공하는 1학년생입니다.
장학생들 의무 중에 하나가 봉사활동입니다.
Liloan 에서 동네 학생들을 여럿 모아서 공부를 가르키고 있습니다.
처음 해보는 일이지만 아주 기쁘게 보람있게 했고
다음을 기약했답니다.
다음은 Nalve 의 소감입니다.

caption: I've done my first voluntary work at San Vicente, Liloan, Cebu

together with our neighbors' children.

We have had a lot of fun having a tutoring class.

It was also my first time handling alone a number of students to teach.

It felt really great seeing their innocent faces wear smiles while cooperating

and enjoying the discussion and activities.

 Their eagerness to know and learn more drove them to ask me to come back next week

and it's also my pleasure to come back.

Thus, it also made me feel happy and overwhelmed by the warmness of their welcome to me.

 ~Nalve E. Mosquite

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