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Merry Joy Batoon 의 감사편지
필리핀관리자 | 작성일 : 2023.06.09 13:41 | 조회수 : 465  


Dear Dr. Yoon, Dr. Park and CHK Sponsors,

Good day!
Words don’t really capture the gratitude I feel for the both of you. You are a beautiful soul who is kind and caring to everyone around you. Your grateful attitude has brought forth so many amazing experiences and opportunities in my life. You are a gift to me, to my family and to others with such a generous spirit.

Thank you Doc for the opportunity and accepting me as part of the Chain of Hope Korean family. Way back 2019, I was just dreaming and praying that one day I will finish my studies and get a bachelors degree. With your help and ways of encouragement I can now say I made it and it is because of you.

Words are not enought to express how grateful I am, your belief in me, endless encouragement, and inspiration have been the driving force behind my determination. You has given me the courage to pursue my dreams and achieve academic excellence. I am grateful beyond words. I am thankful for the strong foundation you've built and for the inspiration you have provided me with. 

Thank you also Doc for giving me the strength I needed to follow my dreams, and for believing that I have the skills and potential to achieve my goals. Thank you for your love, wisdom, hardwork and continues support. Your words and belief in my abilities have been instrumental in my success. I cherish the values you have instilled in me and the memories we have created together. I owe a significant part of my accomplishments to your guidance and presence in my life.
You have made a difference in our lives and given us hope for the future with your kindness and efforts.  Thank you for standing up as our role model, life coach and  extended family. The value of compassion, generosity, and helping others has been instilled in us by your presence in our lives. We are inspired to spread kindness and act as changemakers in the world because of your good deeds.

In behalf of my family, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for helping us financially in times of needs specially in the time of pandemic and mom's surgery. Thank you for your help that make our lives better and lessen life's burden.
I’m so grateful and indebted to everything you’ve done.
As I move to the next chapter of our lives, I will always carry the lesson you taught us, your motivations, your wise words and your kind heart.

Thank you very much Dr. Yoon, Dr. Park and Chain of Hope Korea Sponsors, you are one of the kindest people in the world and everything you do is to help us. I won’t ever forget your generosity. It is truly remarkable and only proves what a wonderful person you are. Thank you so much for being so compassionate and always thinking of other people.

Merry Joy Batoon
CHK Batch 8
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