장학생들 소식 홈 > 커뮤니티 > 장학생들 소식
5번째 돼지사육사업 미소금융
필리핀관리자 | 작성일 : 2015.11.15 11:57 | 조회수 : 3,666  



바릴리의 4 가구에 이어 5번째로 4기 장학생 메라웨나 가정에 돼지 사육을 위한 미소금융을 지원했습니다.
메라웨나는 8자녀중 2번째로 엄마가 8번째 막내를 낳다가 출산 중 사망했습니다.
엄마가 돌아가신후 공장에서 2년 동안 일을 하다 저희 장학생이 되었습니다.
현재 동생들은 아버지가 돌보는데 마침 사는 곳이 산골이라 돼지 키우기엔 안성맞춤입니다.

여러분들의 후원으로 한 가정에  자립할수 있습니다. 감사합니다.
(돼지사육 사업은 아주 가난한 장학생들 가정을 지원하는데 아주 책임감이 있습니다.)
다음은 메라웨나 장학생의 감사편지입니다.

Dear Sponsors, 
Greetings of love and serenity!
In behalf of our family,I would like to extend again our heartfelt gratitude to you my dear Sponsors for your unending support not only to me but also to our family as well.Thank you very much for letting us borrow a capital to start our piggery business .We were able to buy 2 pigs and to construct our own piggery.This business is really a great help for our family considering that father is only a charcoal maker and my eldest brother is still not sure if he could start working at the end of this month or at the month of December.Thank you also for another groceries such as rice,canned sardines,noodles,milk for my youngest brother,and others.I cannot describe the happiness that we felt especially my younger brothers and sisters as we ate and shared the food together.They were very happy to eat those kind of food,even canned sardines only because they are not used to eat those.They used to eat only vegetables and dried fish as their viands everyday. No words can express how thankful I am to you my dear sponsors. You are a blessing to me and to our family.
May God give you more blessings of abundance so that you can continue on becoming a blessing to others.
Very respectfully yours,               MERAWENA M. PASAJE

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