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4기 장학생 로시안 집 복구:김동준 후원자님 감사합니다.
필리핀관리자 | 작성일 : 2015.06.13 20:53 | 조회수 : 1,916  

이번에 새로 뽑은 4기 장학생 로시안의 집은 막탄섬 라푸라푸에 있는데 2013년 태풍 욜란다로 인해
시멘트 벽만 남고 모든게 다 파괴되어 집앞에 천막을 치고 살았습니다. 57세인 아버지는 7년전에 
중풍으로 부분 마비가 와서 거동에 장애가 있어 직업이 없고 58세 엄마는 다른집 일을 도우며 근근히 먹고 살고
있고 로시안은 대학 갈 꿈도 못꾸다 저희 장학생으로 선발되었습니다. 이런 어려운 사정을 알고 
세부 모알보알에서 클럽하리 리조트를 운영하시는 김동준 사장님께서 복구 비용 전액을 후원해 주셨습니다.
필리핀 현지에서 저희 희망고리 재단에 커다란 도움을 주고 계십니다. 대단히 감사합니다.
로시안 양의 편지를 첨부합니다.

Dear Mr. Kim Dong Jun ,       

Good day ! I made this letter for you in such a way I can give thanks to you even in this simple little way . Each one of us dream to have a better life someday . A life that can give us enough things that we like to have . I wish also that I can be what I want and I can have what I like . And I know that I can reach my goals because there’s the Chain of Hope , Korea and the people that are part of this foundation who really exert their efforts to help me and to help the other people. I am one of the scholar of the Chain of Hope , Korea . I get this scholarship because of my classmate at the same time my bestfriend . He gave me a scholarship from the Chain of Hope , Korea and explain to me what I need to do. And because of my enthusiasm to study in college , I really do my best to finish those things on the exact time. On the day that I finally knew that I get the scholarship  , I am so blessed because I have already the chance to study in college . God used them as an instrument for me to have this blessings. When the year 2013 , many calamities had come here in the Philippines , one of that is the Supertyphoon Yolanda . This Super typhoon Yolanda breaks and destroyed many properties , buildings , and houses , and its sad to say that our house was also damaged and destroyed by the typhoon . The roof of our house was thrown away by the strong wind . The things left inside our house was wet because of the heavy rain . My father was stroked for almost seven years thats why he dont have a job. My mother work as a babysitter/helper, our money is not enough to repair our house . After that calamity , we lived in a little house or lets just say in a "Bahay Kubo". Its just a small house. I feel pitty to my father because he cant move easily and properly . But we still thank God because we still have our little house. Inspite of many circumstances that had came in our lives , we dont lose our hope. And now me and my parents were very blessed because finally our house is now repair . We can now move easily and we can sleep well because of the wide space inside our house and i have my own room . I would like to say thank to you Mr. Kim Dong Jun and to the Chain of Hope , Korea for helping us to repair our house. Were living now in a better house . Thank you so much for helping those people who need your help like me. Thank you for your heartily help for us . You become a bridge for me and for us to walk straight and reach those things for us to have a better life. You become our moon that lights up our life and shine on us during our darkest hour. To you Mr. Kim Dong Jun , to the people that are part of this foundation and of course to the Chain of Hope, Korea I owe you big . You will not be doubt for helping us and the other people because I know this hundreds or thousands you help us , someday it will give back to you in a million folds by God. I wish you to have a long-lasting foundation for you to continue your help and have a more and more blessings . You really prove to me that "There is always a Rainbow after the Rain".


Truly yours ,  Rosian Busano 

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