장학생들 소식 홈 > 커뮤니티 > 장학생들 소식
CHK 장학생들 단체봉사:3월28일
필리핀관리자 | 작성일 : 2015.03.31 17:39 | 조회수 : 4,122  

CHK 장학생들 단체봉사:

2학기도 무사히 끝나고 2달간의 여름방학이 시작되었습니다. 3월 28일에 참석 가능한 28명의 장학생이 모여 Milagrosa 성지에서 급식 봉사를 했습니다. 50명 이상의 아이들이 모여 음식도 먹고 간식도 주고 후원받은 T 셔츠도 나누어주고 게임도 했습니다. 장학생들도 본인들보다 더 어려운 아이들을 도울수 있음에 보람을 느꼈습니다. 이 모든일이 가능한게 후원자님들 덕분입니다. 감사합니다.

CHK detective’s volunteering activity :
In the afternoon of March 28, the scholars of Chain of Hope Korea had their voluntary service at Milagrosa Shrine. They assembled at ate Dimple's house for lunch. The signs of happiness and joy were evident among the scholars whom had not gathered together for a long time. The scholars were greeted by the welcoming and smiling faces of almost 50 children at Milagrosa Shrine, who were eager to learn, participate in games and share their stories. Some of our scholars helped in feeding small kids. The afternoon was dedicated to ice-breaking session over merienda followed by a raffle of donated t-shirts. It was another slice of achievement for the scholars. They thank our beloved sponsors and of course our almighty God for making it possible. Thank you so much.

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