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환자에게서 온 감사 편지 : 12년 된 상처를 5개월 만에 치료했습니다.
필리핀관리자 | 작성일 : 2019.12.16 15:34 | 조회수 : 2,308  


I would like to share to the world the good news and to say thank you to Dr. Yoon & Dr. Park for all the help to our family specially to my husband. My husband got a car accident way back 2007, and was not cured for 12 years. But because of God's grace He sent an angels that would possibly help us. We met Dr. Yoon & Dr. Park 5 months ago because of the scholarship of my sister but they helped my husband as well. And now, I could say that my husband's wound are completely healed. Thanks to the Almighty one for sending us a generous and kind person.
Thank you Dr. Yoon and Dr. Park! 
May God bless you always.
마리아의 편지 "제 남편이 12년 전에 교통사고를 당해 우측 발등에 커다란 상처를 입었는데
가정 형편상 치료를 못 받고 있었습니다. 12년 동안 고생했던 커다란 상처를 Dr. Yoon 덕분에
5개월 만에 치유가 되었습니다. 대단히 감사합니다."
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